Youth Ministry Internships
SPIRITUS Interns are faith-filled young adults who inspire young Catholics to join the mission of Jesus. Interns will spend 10 hours a week, under your parish or school mentors, organizing and executing dynamic ministry to your youth. Strengthen your ministry with a SPIRITUS Intern!
Benefits for Your Parish or Campus
SPIRITUS Interns will:
Bring an enthusiastic presence and draw more youth into your ministries.
Assist the Youth/Campus Minister with weekly administrative duties and ministry events.
Develop and utilize social media to communicate with youth and parents.
Assist in leading faith formation programming.
Engage and disciple youth and young adults into a relationship with Jesus.
Model a desire for growing holiness for young Catholics.
Mount Tabor Center will:
Recruit faith-filled interns for your ministry.
Provide a month of intensive training in retreats and parish/campus ministry.
Train interns how to engage and evangelize youth and young adults.
Provide bi-weekly formation classes.
Form interns in a strong prayer life including daily Mass, Liturgy of the Hours, praise and worship and Eucharistic Adoration.
Provide a community of interns who are striving for holiness.
Provide basic needs including food, health insurance, monthly allowance, and an ending stipend.